New Year New Look

The time has come, to finally launch my re-branded practice with a new website. It’s been a long time in the thinking, planning and creating but what better time than the beginning of a New Year.
Anyone that knows me, knows that I have always been passionate about working in private practice and this is because of the value that I place on individuality and creativity. I genuinely believe that people will move towards what feels best for them and that often the biggest gift you can offer a person is your undivided attention, to listen and genuinely understand what another person is experiencing, to lighten the burden they are carrying by simply being with that person.
This type of therapeutic counselling becomes reparative, it heals and it strengthens, it holds a person safely as they struggle to keep their heads above the sinking sand, as they experience their most exhausting trials, and it reminds them they are not totally alone. After all, how much easier can things be when you have someone to talk to, someone who you can be completely open and honest with, that also wants things to be better for you, but doesn’t presume to know what that is or make that choice for you.
This is what private practice allows me to do, to work at the pace and in a way, which feels right for the individual I am working with. It can take time to develop a safe enough relationship that will enable someone to speak aloud something that’s been hidden for a long time, but the change that it can make to someone’s life going forward is immeasurable.
Though the Counselling I offer can be described as ‘Talking Therapy’ what I have learnt over the years is that actually writing, art, music, videos, sandplay can all play a significant part in the process. Sometimes words can’t be found but an image might explain, or emotions can’t be named but a song can convey, all of these things fill our lives to different degrees and therefore can be used to help with understanding and communication.
Why Centred Counselling? In a nutshell there are several other opportunities that I’m looking to explore to expand the services that I can provide and having a brand name will become increasingly important to those activities. A big emphasis of the new website design is to provide clear concise information to make it easy and transparent to anyone looking for counselling. To that end, if now feels like the right time for you to make contact and come along to counselling, get in touch.
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